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How to File a Divorce for Free in California

According to American Psychological Association, approximately 50% of all married in the United States will file for divorce. So, about half of us here will some day have to brave the waters of United States court system. However, for certain lucky citizens, there is a way to divorce your spouse or domestic partner without even seeing a judge or hiring an attorney! It is called “summary dissolution.”

Not everyone qualifies for summary dissolution, unfortunately. To Qualify you and your spouse/domestic partner must be married for less than 5 years, have no children together, and own no land. You and your spouse must also not have more than $60,000 in debts, excluding car loans, and have less than $6,000 in assets.

If you do not meet these very stringent requirements, then you will have to file for a regular divorce. But don’t worry! There are still plenty of fast, cheap, and easy ways to file for divorce. In the age of the internet there are tons of websites that will help you create the forms you need. There is even a website that will help you create the forms you need, file them for you, and even apply for a waiver of any court costs. Go to US Legal PRO and let their team help you move on to the next chapter of your life.

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